Sunday, June 6, 2010


I don't know what I'm getting myself into. I don't know what I want to get myself into. I really wish I was going back to school this week, because then I would get my BRAIN back--I'm good for one week of break, but two is just too much time to myself. Especially when I have something massive to spend all my time over-analyzing... yeah, yeah, #firstworldproblems #omg2weekspaidvacationhowawful #whinewhinewhine #maniamsogladinever*wentunemployedicompletelylosemysenseswhenimbored

(*and in summer 2008 when I was unemployed I was a mess!)


  1. What are you getting yourself into?? You could always come to Jooooplin if you're bored. ;) There is an extra bed and oh-so-much to do here!

  2. so many hash tags! hehe. I loooooove you, and don't forget about your list! :)
