Friday, December 31, 2010


Year in review...?

I've been looking forward to this post all week but now I have nothing to say.

I'm giving up my vices
I'm going back, back to school
Eviction or not, this week's been so hot
That long as I've got you I know I'll be cool.
I couldn't crack the love code, dear,
'Til you made the lock on my heart explode!
It's gonna be a happy new year

I mean...
A lot happened
i guess

Depends on how you define that.

The biggest thing right now, actually, is rebuilding a bridge I thought for sure was toast. It's not much but it gives me hope--I don't even know what for. Just hope in general, I guess. That one can make a breakup as ugly as possible and still maybe be friends. I thought it was impossible. I guess it just takes a LOT of time.

And other things that happened this year?
so long ago
I'd just as soon not dwell on it.

I learned a lot.

(I guess just refer to this, lol.)

Global Warming

December: 65 degrees and swinging,
curls tangling across my face.
The radio proclaims, your love is my drug
It could almost be summer
if only it was summer


last summer

I'll rebuild the bridge years later
but that doesn't change last summer:
carefree, mindless
not my finest hour
but so


(NB: i'm not actually particularly emo. just striving for creativity. i wish i'd taken a creative writing class at some point [how did i not???]; i feel like my writing might be more viable if i had.)

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Wanna know a secret?

On May 1, 2010, I watched the movie Adam. It is about a young man who has Asperger's and how he finds love, all that.

After seeing it, my main impression was, I could totally date a guy with Asperger's.

On May 30, 2010, I met a guy with Asperger's.

So my secret kind of started as a dare to myself. Don't get me wrong, it went BEYOND that pretty quickly. But that's definitely how it started.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Little Miss Obsessive

a little bit possessive, Little Miss Obsessive, can't get over it

I know I'm in poor shape when the song in my head is Ashlee Simpson.

but seriously, what's wrong with me?

I'm ready for my respression drive to kick in. I want this out of my head.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Pre-new year profundity

2008: first kiss
2009: first time
2010: first love

what on EARTH do I have coming next year?? ;)

Try to remember...

Usually I have an over-active repression reflex. It's not anything I do consciously; I have a bad memory in the first place, and some things it's just easier not to think about.
-I have to work pretty hard to remember an awkward but not at all traumatizing date from last month.
-Nothing out of the ordinary happened in September, that's for sure (what Josh? I know no Josh).
-And this talk of the Irish Guy? That's a dream I only remember because I jotted down a summary right after I woke up.

So why does every detail of last summer play constantly in my head?

It would be so much easier if I just forgot.