So I haven't "dated" extensively, really. But I've...hmm. There are more guys in my past than I usually realize.
Now here's my trend:
All of them except for two have been gigantic jerks. Like, off-the-charts levels of douchebaggery. R, Mr. Honeywell, Josh-whatever, etc etc. And I mean, they seem nice at first; they just end up doing something mind-blowingly mean.
The two that were nice were the only two I was ever serious with. (So that's good at least. That I don't try to be serious with the assholes and wind up a battered woman or cheated on or what have you.)
But why, when I'm not necessarily looking for serious, do I just find the bad ones? And not "bad" as in "bad boy hot," "bad" as in "majorly sleazy." Couldn't I be not-serious with nice guys?
Maybe nice guys don't do not-serious. Maybe I'm actually being sleazy myself by doing not-serious??
Or maybe not-serious just brings out the worst in people. by which I mean, maybe if the nice guys had been fun-without-definitions they would've been jerks to me, too. (Actually, I know for a fact that's not true in the recent case. Because it almost started out like that, and he treated me like a princess nonetheless.)
say there's something better
but tonight you know you'll never find it
My douchemonster trend terrifies me. It makes me want to run right back to my Nice-Guy ex. I don't WANT to let people treat me like that, and that would be an easy way to make sure of it. But that's clearly faulty motivation and isn't fair to either party.
I guess I don't know how to be selective?? And yet I DO on some level. What with the only ever getting serious with nice guys.
I don't know. In conclusion...maybe I should swear off men for a while? lol/sigh...
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