Saturday, July 25, 2009

the latest incarnation of "the plan."

No more MSU for me. They don't have a severe special ed program, and my classroom can in no way, shape, or form be squinted at enough to look like mild/moderate. Actually, it turns out that nobody offers a SDD (severe developmental disorders) masters or certification. Something about how districts will hire ya for an SDD position with a mild/moderate certificate. I guess having a teaching position prior to certification is kind of unusual, lolll. (I don't have a teaching position yet--that'll be sometime around December 12, when a teacher is due to squeeze one out.) But, yeah. I was telling my principal that I was kind of stuck and she suggested a new option. I am going to pursue Applied Behavior Analysis certification. ABA is the underlying methodology of our entire autism program. That certification would be more valuable to me in working with autism (here or wherever the wind blows me) than a token teaching certificate that doesn't really help with my group of kids. So, yup yup. I'm gonna take the fall semester off (um, although I haven't thought about insurance-type stuff yet...shit), just so I can focus on training for and then starting my new position, and hopefully start classes in the spring.

Also, I "decided" yesterday that once I finish whatever post-baccalaureate coursework I'm gonna do, I will buy myself a car as a reward/because I will then have money freed up from not paying tuition. LOL. I love my car, she's served me well, I've always planned to use it until it dies, but I rode with another teacher yesterday to a field trip and her car's just so damn FANCY. hahahaha. I want a Camry they still make those? Maybe by that point, years from now, they'll be marketing plug-in hybrids. mmmm.

In other news, it's my two-week break, hooray!!! Much sleeping in and laying out is in my immediate future. Um, and studying for my psych final...heh. And then headin' north, yay!

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