Wednesday, June 10, 2009

I don't usually talk about this

So, I have quirky conceptions of privacy, I think. For most of my life I was fine with discussing the TS thing...then I learned to be embarrassed about it, just a couple of years ago, probably. Meanwhile I'm fine with discussing my boy troubles with just about anyone, I only draw the line at, say, my parents.

I work with kids with autism. One feature of autism is self-stimulation: sensory stuff. One example of "stimming," as we call it, would be a kid flapping his hands in front of his eyes. A couple of my kids stim like this. It's interesting to me because it greatly resembles my main tic.

One thing that's always been unique about my TS is that I don't realize when I'm ticking. It's more like I just space out. Once something--a noise, usually--brings me back to reality, I snap out of it, instantly ceasing to perform the tics. I never experienced an urge to tic; I never fought the tics.

"Ryan, quiet hands!"

Just a few weeks of being hyperaware of stimming with my kids at work has changed my own experience. I now am aware of when I am ticking. This was kind of cool at first. I had never been mentally "there" while ticking, I didn't know what it felt like; now, instead of stopping the behavior once I realize I'm doing it, it's more of a, "huh, I'm ticking." And I keep doing it until I am interrupted.

This has transformed from cool to scary. I don't have control of my own body when I get like this. Just now I was watching tv by myself, and during a commercial break my hands were flapping, my tongue was pressed against my teeth, my eyes were glazed; I was aware that I looked like an idiot. I wanted to stop. I couldn't. I mean, I could physically stop the actions, and I tried, but I experienced a knot of anxiety in my chest and I had to resume the tics to relieve it.

God, TS has always just been an accessory on my life, a neat little bit of trivia. Something else for me to boast about. "Yeah, I have what can manifest into a crippling learning disability, yet I have academic honors XYZ." It was never a disorder. Every now and then someone would catch me ticking and I would get a little flustered but that was all there was to it.

I never experienced it mentally. The stress of being trapped in a tic, with relief on a timeline outside of my control. (Well, that's kind of a lie, I've always had a couple of small verbal tics that were like that, but they do not occur with anywhere near the same frequency as my motor tics.)

It's horrible...


  1. Blah, I'm sorry hun :( That sounds super stressful/scary/frustrating/awful.

  2. I'm sorry! You're awesome, though!
